Standard Mini-lop

Původní znění standardu z anglického klubu chovatelů králíků

1. Type 

Bold thickset and firm. The body should be short, broad and well muscled with little visible neck. The well-muscled rump is short and well rounded. The chest is broad and deep with curved sides where it meets the shoulders, which are broad and strong. The front legs are thick, short and straight. The hind legs are short, strong, powerful and carried parallel to the body. The tail is straight, strong and well furred. A small dewlap is permissible but not desirable. 

2. Weight

Adult Weight Ideal 1.5 kg (lb/oz 3.4)

Maximum  1.6 kg (lb/oz 3.8)

Maximum weight for under 5 months exhibits to be 1.360kg (3lb) 

3. Coat 

The coat to be dense and of good length, rollback with an abundance of guard hairs. Legs and pads to be well furred. 

4. Head

Crown and Eyes - The head is bold, broad and well developed. The profile of the head is strongly curved with a good width between the eyes, full cheeks and a broad muzzle. The eyes are bold, bright and large. The basal ridge of the ears should appear prominent across the top of the skull to form the crown. 

5. Ears 

Should be broad, thick, well furred and rounded at the ends. They should be carried close to the cheeks giving a horseshoe like outline when viewed from the front. The inside of the ears should not be visible from any angle when carried correctly. 

6. Colour and Pattern 

Any colour or pattern accepted by the Breeds Standard Committee of the British Rabbit Council apart from the broken pattern. 

7. Condition 

The exhibit should be in a perfect state of health and bodily condition, free from all soiling, particularly on the feet, ears and genital parts. The coat should reflect the overall good health of the exhibit, which should appear alert and vigorous.